Your Entire Site in One Glance


The problem

Your facility faces many challenges every day. Hospitals work hard to put their mission of helping patients fiirst while maintaining a very dynamic environment. Nursing Homes and Long Term Care facilities deal daily with elopement and fires. Corona is also still a concern. Unfortunately, your facilities have also been targets for shooters though to a lesser extent than schools. Control centers in hospitals can be complicated hubs, while oftentimes the control center in these care facilities are little more than unmonitored screens at the front desks. In all healthcare faciities in moments of need the portability of tracking a fire or a missing patient or resident will be crucial. The obvious costs of fire damage and evacuation might seem to outweigh the costs of elopement or a missing chiild but in reality the cost of injury, perhaps already medically compromised, can quickly escalate to millions of dollars through the exposure to lawsuits.

How Liquid can help

With Liquid360 the ability to have multiple tablets can help any healthcare facility have improved awareness of what is happening. The front desk, the facilities manager, the nurses station and the security office can all have access to the entire site in a single glance. Liquid360 comprehensive and natural view allows a wandering patient to be noticed quickly before an accident happens. In the case of a fire, the staff would be able to see at a glance areas of the facility that needed to be avoided and to evacuate patients with less risk. Liquid360 allows for an easy way to ensure compliance for the number of visitors in a designated area, maintenance of distancing and even compliance with wearing masks properly. The option presently exists to put cameras in patient rooms while maintaining privacy. All human figures can be masked or greyed out. A button would unmask them in the moment of an emergency. Another option is wearables for staff for supervision (and potentially family) to observe compliance for feeding, bathing and timely medication of residents. Additionally, in a future version, children and family of a resident could access a portal to check on their family member. Liquid360 offers healthcare facilities a way to set themselves apart by providing a higher level of care for recruiting residents.