Your Entire Site in One Glance

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Force Multiplier

Liquid360 puts your security in your hands.

Force multipliers are invaluable tools in physical security and smart cities. Liquid360 enable full situational awareness for your site using your existing security equipment. Even the most experienced security leader can struggle to use his or her security data. 70% of security leaders told Security Magazine that they struggle. The why is important but for every day, it’s more important to find a solution.

Liquid360 allow you to enable a one glance view of your entire site – or city – in a mobile form factor. A real force multiplier no matter the size of your site. From a small school or community to a huge property like a steel mill or port and soon even for a city with as many cameras as London, Liquid360 pulls it all together.

A force multiplier allow you to take action with more confidence and more quickly than without. With Liquid360 you can see your site in a way that wasn’t possible before so you can act tactically and with reduced risk. It’s a real tool for real life from a team that has experience in the most dangerous neighborhood in the world.

To learn more about what Liquid360 can do for you and how you can use this force multiplier, click here.

You can also watch this video on Youtube.